Resources to Repair an Olympus Trip 35

I came across this old Olympus Trip 35 camera at a pawn shop in Central Oregon and couldn’t pass it up for the price. I’ve shot a handful of different Olympus film SLRs in the past, but I’ve never gotten my hands on any of their point-and-shoot or rangefinder models. Make no mistake, the Trip 35 is a true point-and-shoot, grab-and-go camera that can produce some fun and surprising results.

Of course, if you’re seeking out a repair blog, you probably already know all this or you’re looking to patch up your ailing Trip 35 and make some memories.

How to find shutter count on Canon DSLR for free — MAC

How to get shutter count for canon DSLR free on a Mac computer

This has nothing to do with traveling except that my 7D has long been a travel companion. Still, I hope it proves useful.

Unlike Nikon cameras that include shutter count info in an image’s EXIF data, it’s hard if not (nearly!) impossible to easily find shutter actuations on Canon DSLR models such as 5D, 7D, 6D, and just about every other “D” model in existence. Canon does not include shutter count information in .jpg EXIF files.

I recently came across this issue (once again) when trying to unearth a free and easy way to get the shutter count for my war-torn Canon 7D, which has been battle tested on the front lines of wild fires, rowdy concerts, and breaking news scenes since I purchased it new in 2010. It’s been a great camera.

There are many ways to find the shutter count for Canon EOS cameras on an Apple computer…